【LHDN電郵是假的!】騙個人資料“退稅”電郵 大馬女子存款損失RM2300!

看到這個Email千萬不要Click!一名華裔女學生Michelle Lee 日前收到一封自稱來自馬來西亞稅收局(LHDN)的電郵,要求女子輸入資料以便領取退稅款項。Michelle 按郵件查看後,輸入了自己的銀行資料,結果銀行戶頭內的存款被盜提,損失了 RM2300!





Michelle 在冒充稅收局的網站Click了藍色的【proceed】按鈕後,輸入了自己的銀行資料,結果銀行戶頭即可遭到盜提,損失了 RM 2300!


“星期一,我收到一封來自一名叫 Encik Fadzli Bin Abdul Wahit 的電郵,我打開查看。”



“我選擇了 CIMB 銀行,然後被導向 CIMB clicks 網站。我輸入我的用戶名和密碼,以及 TAC 碼。 幾分鐘後,我收到來自 CIMB 的sms,表示我戶頭的錢幾乎全被轉到一個陌生人戶頭。

Michelle非常擔心,於是致電到 CIMB 客服中心!“他們很驚訝我並沒有執行這項轉賬動作。他們告訴我,我的提款限額已經被更改了,戶頭的錢也被提領了。“

“我感到非常吃驚,因為我並沒有這樣做!我在CIMB clicks 所看只是要求我輸入用戶名和密碼的頁面!”

“我甚至不曾點擊【tranfer】的頁面,也不曾更改我的提款額度!CIMB 隨即封鎖了我的戶頭,並建議我報警。”





Just came back from making my 1st ever police report with my poken Malay and meeting police Inspector for the first time. Trust me, nobody would like to go to police station if not necessary, its not as cool as what you see in the movies and dramas.

BEWARE if you receive email from Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri! 

Please carry on reading as this may save you from losing your hard earn money.

I received this email from Encik Fadzli Bin Abdul Wahit <[email protected]> on Monday and yesterday I clicked in to check it out. After clicking the blue proceed button, I was linked to a page with logos of all the banks, telling me to select my bank and follow the instructions given. After I selected CIMB bank, I was directed to CIMBclicks. I keyed-in my username and password and was then asked to type in TAC code. 

A few minutes later, I received sms from CIMB saying that almost ALL my money in the bank account was transferred out to a person whom I DONT EVEN KNOW! So I called CIMB customer service and they were surprised to know that I did not perform this transaction. They informed me that my transfer limit was increased and then money was transferred out subsequently. I was so shocked as both acts were not carried out by me! The only thing I saw on CIMBclicks was just the page to type in username and password. I didnt even click into the tranfer page nor the increase transfer limit page. CIMB then blocked my account and advised me to make police report.

So I did the police report at the police station nearby my house. I was then asked to meet the police inspector for Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial in Sri Petaling. But sadly, the inspector told me that there is no way that I can get the money back. I can only hope that they can find the culprit and lock him up in jail.

Even though I have always read about internet scams, but I have never thought that I would one day fall victim to it. So be careful everybody, as it can happen to anybody.

Dear culprit, you better show up soon. I will give you the privilege to try out my Muay Thai skills. 

#naktumbokorang #發生在別人身上的是故事發生在自己身上的是事故 #暑假工錢就醬沒了 #是我犯太歲嗎
