屯門時代廣場5歲女童臨臨慘被虐待致死案件,引起全城嘩然。97年港姐、前亞視藝人劉綽琪,都有留意呢單新聞,佢仲喺自己facebook share話:「Time to reflect! Have we not paid enough attention to any surroundings? Have we been the silent ones?(是時候反思!我們是否沒有留心周遭的事?我們是否已成為沉默的一群?)」

除咗有shaer之外,佢仲有留言話:「I will beat those parents up even if I have uniform on! Dont even care if I have to go to jail... Knowing violence cant solve any problem but God, please let them taste their own medicine!(就算我穿着制服,我都一定會痛打那些家長!即使要入獄也在所不辭!要知道暴力無法解決問題,請上帝以彼之道還施彼身!)」
