
歌神、天王的演唱會一票難求,也出現了大量的黃牛票,價錢高出好幾倍!粉絲買不到票被逼買黃牛票,更令人生氣的是竟出現假票!著名Youtuber Jinnyboy是受害者之一,他在臉書PO遭欺騙買了假票,最後被拒進場了!


Was really excited to catch Jay Chou’s sold out show tonight, but unfortunately the tickets sold to my wife is fake. Long story short this guy contacted my wife saying he has tickets to sell because he couldn’t make it. This really sucks cause we paid quite a bit of money to get these tickets only to find out they were fake at the door, I thank the gatekeepers for being very professional and patient with me as it comes as a shock to us.

We were not the only ones and it kinda sucks that these kinda things happen.

As for the seller, here is his phone number +60102112542 (Lee Wei Jian), probably a decoy number but if anyone has any info about this scammer, please give him hell

Update: this is the person who sold the tickets to us https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007775987264

Update: To be honest, nothing I or anyone can really do right now, if you're reading this and sharing this, I hope you'll learn from my mistake. From now on, every resell ticket will be FAKE to me

And if the person who scammed us is reading this, F YOU. I hope you rot in hell for what you've done to innocent fans who want nothing but to watch their idol live.

I guess it’s back to Spotify for now.

Jinnyboy 的貼文表示有位男子聯絡他的老婆,因為有事無法出席演唱會而將價值RM728的VIP 票賣給他們,Jinnyboy說花了不少錢來買那張票,當天排隊進場時被查票員通知這是假票!軒の媽單靠肉眼看,真的分辨不出假票有什麼破綻!

