Felixia Yeap葉靜儀看大家最近沒有議論她了 以為沒人發現她進回教的真正目的……大馬兔女郎開始慢慢的做東西了她說自己進回教過後她對名車、名牌包包和不在發白日夢住豪華的屋不再物質需要那時候她進了回教後就靜靜了一段時 沒有show她用名牌 沒有說什麼~廢話她看靜了一段時間 沒人再議論她 她就開始show了~橋婆受不到瓜寡 就是這樣的也有人說她進回教是因為~~說是巫統流氓部長納茲裡的兒子的好朋友,也是100%巫統富二代~

兔女郎還扮乖女兒拿自己的名牌Dior bag來賣Rm6200要sponsor她媽媽去旅行(做大戲不知要給哪個Datuk看)才賣Dior bag沒有多久 就post買了一個Hermas~(其實賣做麼要Dior 家自己想唄)還 說自己進回教後對名牌、和sport car還有豪華屋沒興趣沒什麼慾望了 結果自己說她要在三十之前目標要有A KELLY 、A SKL200、A PORTOFINO AND AT LEAST 3 NIGHTS AT THE UNDERWATER HOTEL IN DUBAI。她生日還希望收到~(不知道暗示誰啦)日前她還Post 出一張700萬Maybank存款的收據....

While her mother has been fully supportive of her decision, friends haven’t been the friends they were supposed to be. According to Felixia, some of her real-life friends have shunned her and have avoided her. Other people, on the other hand, claim that she did this to attract “a rich Malay Datuk”.“They say I did this to find a rich Malay Datuk to marry. If I wanted to find a rich man, I would have done it a long time ago when I was still actively modelling in sexy poses. Their criticisms defy logic. All I wanted to do was to cover up more and do more decent modelling,” she said.Rumours have been rife that she is currently dating Raja Zainal Badri and the main reason behind her wanting to convert to Islam. Netizens who “exposed” the couple via Facebook have been circulating the below screenshots of pictures of the two together recently. Some have even taken to insulting the way he looks as well as his family background/ties, while others are calling Felixia a traitor (just like Leng Yein? not sure how that’s relevant):
