(大馬飯店分享食譜) 南洋風味私房菜菜單 *肉骨茶 Homemade Bak Kut Teh


7-8人份 需時: 1小時半材料A:5粒 冬菇2粒 火蒜30克 玉竹20克 川芎20克 胡椒粒20克 枸杞5片 當歸1支 桂皮2粒 八角少許 洋參須材料B:400克 五花肉(帶皮整塊)1500克/2支 排骨 1700克/1塊 豬曾肉(帶皮整片)2湯匙 醬油1湯匙 黑醬油材料C:2茶匙 鹽3500毫升 水準備功夫:1. 刮干淨和洗淨豬曾肉和五花肉,洗淨排骨,汆燙過水沖洗,瀝干待用煮法:1. 燒熱一鍋3500毫升的水2. 加入材料A,蓋上,大火煮20分鐘3. 起蓋,加入材料B,攪勻蓋上,大火煮滾, 轉小火燜煮60分鐘4. 起蓋,下鹽調味*5. 熄火,上桌* 小提示:1. 把豬曾肉和五花肉拿出切小塊2. 如果想把湯煮得更清甜,可自行加入雞殼和雞腳3. 配料如金針菇,豆腐卜可以跟自己喜好自行加入

 you can cook it at home!Portion: 7-8 paxCook Time: 90 minutesIngredients (Set A):5 pc shiitake mushroom2 pc garlic30g yu zhu20g ligusticum chuanxiong20g white pepper20g wolfberry5 pc chinese angelica root1 pc cinnamon2 pc star aniseSome ginsengIngredients (Set B):400g pork belly (with skin)1500g pork ribs1700g pork shoulder (arm)2 tbsp soy sauce1 tbsp dark soy sauceIngredients (Set C):2 tsp salt3500ml waterPreparations:1. Scrape clean the pork belly and pork shoulder (arm), wash the pork ribs, blanch and rinse itSteps:1. Bring 3500ml water to boil2. Add in all the ingredients stated in Set A, cover with a lid, boil it with high heat for 20 minutes3. Lift the lid, add in all the ingredients stated in Set B, stir evenly and cover with the lid, ping to boil, switch to low heat and simmer for 60 minutes4. Lift the lid, season with salt*5. Turn off the gas, it’s done!
