災難片(英文:Disaster film)是關於各種災難的電影類型,不論是緊急的或者是即將面臨的災難,此類電影常以空難、船難、天然災害或隕石撞擊為母題,至近代的外星人入侵或怪物突變的電影,由於全球暖化,關於氣候變遷的議題也加入災難類型行列中。典型的災難電影角色常找大牌的知名演員,故事呈現多條支線,而內容主要著重在角色因信稱義、企圖勇於去扭轉情勢,逃脫或者是對抗災難主體和災難所遺留的後續發展。

災難類型電影開始成功贏得大量亮眼票房收入,始於1970年代。 1970年上映的《國際機場》(Airport)是一個裡程碑,緊接著1972年的《海神號》、1974年的《大地震》(Earthquake)和《火燒摩天樓》尾隨這股災難潮流獲得成功的票房,打下穩固基礎。直到現今,由於特效工業的進步,呈現的災難場面更加真實,使得災難片類型電影成為票房的保證。

Disaster film (English: Disaster film) is a type of film about various disasters, whether it is urgent or an upcoming disaster, such films are often dominated by air crashes, shipwrecks, natural disasters or meteorite impacts, to the modern era. Movies about the invasion of stars or mutants of monsters, due to global warming, the issue of climate change has also joined the ranks of disasters. Typical disaster movie characters often look for big-name actor, the story presents multiple panches, and the content mainly focuses on the role of justification by faith, attempting to reversing the situation, escaping or following the development of the disaster main body and disaster.

The disaster-type film began to win a lot of eye-catching box office revenues, starting in the 1970s. The International Airport (Airport), which was released in 1970, was a milestone, followed by the 1972 Poseidon, the 1974 Earthquake and the Burning Skyscraper, which succeeded at the box office following this catastrophic trend. , lay a solid foundation. Until now, due to the advancement of the special effects industry, the disaster scene presented is more real, making the disaster film type movie a guarantee for the box office.