
1.) 初次見面時。 當你與人初次見面時,嘗試注意他們眼睛的顏色,並且同時對他們微笑。這樣會讓你很自然地看著他們的眼睛比較久。我可以向你保證,他們多數會馬上對你有好感 (除非你笑得很難看)。

2.) 注意人們的腳。假如你嘗試與2個正在交談的朋友說話,他們只有將身體轉向你,但腳卻沒有的話,這就代表他們根本不希望你加入他們的談話。同樣的,如果你正在跟一位你認為很專注在聽你說話的同事聊天,他的身體是面對你的,但腳是朝著另一個方向,那就代表他希望這個談話可以終止。你可以去查查學者Carol Kinsey Goman的研究,這些工作場合的互動都有在她的研究中。

3.) 善用登門檻效應 (當人們接受一個小的要求後,為保持形象一致,會接受更大,更不合理的要求)。 如果你一開始先要求人們做較簡單的事情,他們會比較願意,然後再逐步要求,總之,先讓人們知道你是喜歡他們的。

4.) 先提出一個不合理的要求。當人們聽到這個不合理的要求時,他們會直接的說不,這時你再說出你真正希望他們做的,這樣他們就會比較容易接受了。

廣告5.) 如果你要求別人幫你做點小事。認知失協 (Cognitive Dissonance) 會讓他們覺得,他幫你忙的原因是因為他對你有好感。

23個操控自己和他人心理的小技巧,讓你迅速加入人生勝利組。真的都太有效了。Flickr / richteabiscuit6.) 當你詢問一個問題的時候,而他只回答你一部分的答案的話,不用急。如果你保持靜默並持續與他眼神交會,他就會繼續跟說下去。

7.) 吃口香糖。如果你處於一個很緊張的狀態,像是在公開場合演講或是高空彈跳,不妨嚼口香糖來舒緩你的緊張。我不記得這個方法是哪裡來的,但很顯然的當我們在吃東西時,我們的大腦會認為,如果處於緊張的情境中,是不會吃東西的,所以一點都感受不到緊張與危險。這樣一來,就可以幫我們保持冷靜了。

8.) 避免在街上跟別人撞在一起。你可以故意注視一個人的肩膀或是頭部之上,或是著是人群裡人們頭之間的間隔。這種方式可以使他們知道你要走往哪一個方向,他們就會讓出另一個通路給你,避免與你撞在一起。

廣告9.) 學習新事物時。當你在學習新事物時,不妨教教你的朋友,讓他們詢問你問題,如果你能夠教得好,這也代表你已經融會貫通了。

10.) 人們真正記得的,並不是你說了什麼,而是你讓他們感受到了什麼。

23個操控自己和他人心理的小技巧,讓你迅速加入人生勝利組。真的都太有效了。Flickr11.) 在面試時。建議你必須先改變你的心理狀態。 告訴你自己「我已經認識這些人很久了,我們是老朋友,只是和老朋友見個面,我迫不急地想見到他」。 想想那些與朋友相處的經驗,握手、眼神交流、談話,什麼是你迫不及待想告訴他的呢。大方的站出來,將雙腿放輕鬆 (不用關得緊緊的),把手放在大腿上,肩膀打開然後「微笑」。這聽起來有點陳腔濫調,但你必須先調適你的心理狀態,因此,這種自我催眠地技巧是非常強大的。

12.) 如果你讓自己覺得看到某個人的時候會很開心,他也會用同樣的方式對待你。雖然第一次試這個方法的時候可能會有點不熟練,但第二次一定就會很成功!

13.) 當有人生你的氣的時候,記得保持冷靜,因為你的冷靜會讓他們更加生氣,導致事後他們就會感到更愧疚。

14.) 如果你與別人握手的時候手是暖的,他們會直接想要跟你親近。

15.) 人們的心裡面都有一個自己想要保持的形象 (自我感覺良好的那個形象),而且會拼死拼活地去維持它。記得這個知識,因為如果你攻擊到他們的自我形象的話,他們就會很討厭你 (或者這就是你要的)。

23個操控自己和他人心理的小技巧,讓你迅速加入人生勝利組。真的都太有效了。Flickr / scott-s_photos 16.) 錯誤歸因。 當你與某人第一次約會時,帶他們去一些刺激好玩、讓人心跳加速的場所,像是雲霄飛車或是看看恐怖片。讓他們的腎上腺素激升,這會讓他們認為花時間與你相處是很享受的一件事,而不是那個真正讓他們感到刺激的活動。其實,心理學家有說過,當人們處在危險/刺激狀態時,這會讓他們更容易喜歡跟他們一起度過危險的人,因為他們的心理會自然覺得是你很刺激,而不是那個事件很刺激。

17.) 自信心的關鍵,就是當你走進一個房間時,先假設每一個人都很喜歡你。

18.) 壓力對身體影響。(心跳加速、呼吸頻率等) 壓力對身體產生的影響跟勇氣一樣。因此,當你感到壓力時,不妨試想這其實是勇氣,或是你的熱情,因為當你感到壓力的同時,你的身體其實已經準備好接受挑戰了。如果你懂得轉換這種感覺,你就會將壓力視為一種能量,而非是一種威脅。

19.) 叫出新朋友的名字 。人們很喜歡自己聽到自己的名子,這種方式可以快速地幫你跟他建立出友誼的信任。

20.)如果你可以給別人一個最大的微笑,那你自然也會感得快樂喔 (這是科學證實的)。 


21.) 當你的鬧鐘響起,該起床的時候,馬上起身,握緊拳頭,大聲的喊出「YEAH!」。這樣會讓你一大早就精力充沛!

22.) 給你的小孩選擇權。這樣會讓他們覺得他們自己有控制權,像是叫他穿鞋時,你可以說「你想要穿星際大戰鞋還是鯊魚鞋呢?」。但是到最後,他的鞋還是要穿上。這真是一個萬事萬靈的技巧,而且他們的心理成長也會更健康。這個方法不只是對小朋友,對所有人也都一樣。

23.) 人們對他們的自己肢體接觸的情況很清楚。如果一個異性,將他的膝蓋碰到你的膝蓋,那這就代表…嗯,他們絕對不是不小心的。

來源: Mindzette




1.) When you first meet. When you meet someone for the first time, try to pay attention to the color of their eyes and smile at them at the same time. This will allow you to look at their eyes naturally for a long time. I can assure you that most of them will have a good impression on you right away (unless you laugh very hard).

2.) Pay attention to people's feet. If you try to talk to two friends who are talking, they only turn their bodies to you, but the feet don't, which means they don't want you to join them. Similarly, if you are chatting with a colleague who you think is very focused on listening to you, his body is facing you, but the foot is moving in the other direction, which means that he hopes the conversation can be terminated. You can check out the research by Carol Kinsey Goman, the interaction of these workplaces in her research.

3.) Make good use of the door-to-door effect (When people accept a small request, they will accept larger and more unreasonable requirements in order to maintain a consistent image). If you first ask people to do simple things, they will be more willing, and then gradually ask, in short, let people know that you like them.

4.) First make an unreasonable request. When people hear this unreasonable request, they will say no directly, then you will say what you really want them to do, so they will be more acceptable.

ad5.) If you ask someone to do something small for you. Cognitive Dissonance will make them feel that he is helping you because he has a crush on you.

23 tips for manipulating yourself and others' psychology, allowing you to quickly join the Victory Group. It's really all too effective.Flickr / richteabiscuit6.) When you ask a question, and he only answers the answer to some of your questions, don't worry. If you remain silent and continue to meet his eyes, he will continue to talk.

7.) Eat chewing gum. If you are in a state of tension, such as speaking in public or bouncing at high altitudes, chew gum to soothe your nervousness. I don't remember where this method came from, but it is clear that when we are eating, our pains think that if you are in a stressful situation, you will not eat, so you will not feel nervous or dangerous at all. . In this way, we can help us stay calm.

8.) Avoid hitting people on the street. You can deliberately look at a person's shoulder or head, or the gap between people's heads in the crowd. This way you can let them know which direction you are going in, and they will give you another path to avoid colliding with you.

ad9.) When learning new things. When you are learning new things, you can teach your friends and ask them questions. If you can teach well, it means that you have already got through.

10.) What people really remember is not what you said, but what you let them feel.

23 tips for manipulating yourself and others' psychology, allowing you to quickly join the Victory Group. It's really all too effective.Flickr11.) At the time of the interview. It is recommended that you first change your mental state. Tell yourself "I have known these people for a long time, we are old friends, just meet old friends, I can't wait to see him." Think about the experience of getting along with friends, shaking hands, talking, talking, what you can't wait to tell him. Stand out generously, put your legs relaxed (not tightly closed), put your hands on your thighs, open your shoulders and "smile". This sounds a bit cliché, but you must first adjust your mental state, so this self-hypnosis technique is very powerful.

12.) If you make yourself feel happy when you see someone, he will treat you in the same way. Although the first time you try this method, you may be a bit unskilled, but the second time will be very successful!

13.) When you are angry with your life, remember to stay calm, because your calmness will make them more angry, and they will feel more embarrassed afterwards.

14.) If you are warm when you shake hands with others, they will want to be close to you directly.

15.) People's hearts have an image that they want to maintain (the image that they feel good about themselves), and they will work hard to maintain it. Remember this knowledge, because if you attack their self-image, they will hate you (or this is what you want).

23 tips for manipulating yourself and others' psychology, allowing you to quickly join the Victory Group. It's really all too effective.Flickr / scott-s_photos16.) Error attribution. When you are dating someone for the first time, take them to places that are exciting and exciting, such as a roller coaster or a horror movie. Let their adrenaline rise, which will make them think that spending time with you is a very enjoyable thing, not the one that really makes them feel excited. In fact, psychologists have said that when people are in danger/stimulation, it makes it easier for them to like people who have passed through them with danger, because their psychology will naturally feel that you are very excited, not that event. Very exciting.

17.) The key to self-confidence is that when you walk into a room, let's assume that everyone likes you.

18.) The effect of stress on the body. (Heartbeat acceleration, respiratory rate, etc.) Stress has the same effect on the body as courage. Therefore, when you feel pressure, imagine that it is courage, or your enthusiasm, because when you feel stressed, your body is actually ready to accept the challenge. If you know how to transform this feeling, you will see stress as an energy, not a threat.

19.) Call out the name of a new friend. People like to hear their own names, this way can quickly help you build trust with him.

20.) If you can give someone the greatest smile, then you will naturally feel happy (this is scientifically proven).

23 tips for manipulating yourself and others' psychology, allowing you to quickly join the Victory Group. It's really all too effective.Flickr

21.) When your alarm clock rings, when you get out of bed, get up immediately, clench your fists and shout out "YEAH!" This will make you energetic early in the morning!

22.) Give your child the right to choose. This will make them feel that they have control, such as when he is wearing shoes, you can say "Do you want to wear Star Wars shoes or shark shoes?". But in the end, his shoes still have to be put on. This is really a trick of all things, and their mental growth will be healthier. This method is not just for children, but for everyone.

23.) People are very clear about their physical contact. If a person of the opposite sex touches his knee to your knee, that means... well, they are definitely not careless.

Source: Mindzette

Have you tried these tips, if you haven't already, try it today. When you are not happy, the simplest thing is to smile, because it will release pain endorphins in your pain, giving you a good mood!

In a nutshell, the human head is actually a computer. Our genes have a certain pattern of thinking and behavior. As long as you can understand some of the tricks of human operation, you will definitely have a way to make rapid progress in society. But remember, these techniques should only be used when necessary, and you must be true to others! Human beings are very sensitive animals. If you are not sincere, you will see it at a glance!